Cantuckee Y'all Race Week Info & Changes

Hi everyone!

It’s race week! Please read below to find final updates, changes, and reminders for the race this weekend.

Please reference the RACE WEB PAGE and our last email for complete details about the race..


No Pets!

No pets are allowed at the race. No exceptions. This is a requirement of our liability insurance policy. This applies to registered participants, NOE staff, volunteers, and spectators. Pets are not permitted at the race site or any aid stations under any circumstances. Runners, please ensure that any friends or family who may be accompanying you to the race understand this. And remember, this policy is spelled out in detail in the race waiver that each of you signed prior to registering.

Any pets at the race will be asked to be removed from the area.

Spectators and Crews At Aid Stations

Support crews are not permitted at this race. Additionally, spectators are officially not permitted at any aid stations along the race route. This is a stipulation of our permit with the United States Forest Service due to parking and congestion issues.

This is a public forest. So technically you can go where you want. But our USFS permit states that there will be no race spectators at the aid stations. If it is known that the race has spectators at the aid station we risk being denied future permits. So please weigh whether that risk to the future of trail running in the Gorge is worth friends/family seeing you for a few minutes at an aid station.

We’re Not Alone

This is the busiest time of year in the Red River Gorge. There will be a lot of other trail users in the woods on Saturday. Please respectfully share the trails. There will also be a lot of cars out there, especially on Tunnel Ridge Road. Please yield to traffic, stay alert, and share the road.


On Course Hydration

On course hydration will be Gatorade instead of Sword. End of update. :)

See You At The Race!

Michael Whisman1 Comment